Week 2 Tangibles


  • Created a python quiz using python programming.
  • Added the quiz as a post to the time box.


  • Started to add sections for the time box of previous weeks.
  • Updated errors I encountered during work to the blogs page.


  • Added a games/projects page as a subsection of the website to add personal projects.
  • Worked on the jquery table to add statistics about an interest I have.


  • Made final changes to the overall theme of the website.
  • Added a profile picture to the website.
  • Added the game of life and the snake game.


  • Added a tic tac toe game.
  • Added a word guessing game.
  • Finished adding data to the jquery table.
  • Got all plans and tangibles up to date.

Week takeaways

  • Became more familiar with using Jupyter notebook to add posts.
  • Learned to make overriding changes to the theme.
  • Started to use python to make repetitive code more convenient.
  • Learned how to use external material to create things like the jquery table.