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  • .substring()
  • .toUpperCase() and .toLowerCase()
  • .includes()
  • .toString()
  • Math.round(num1 / num2)
  • .toFixed(int)
  • .shift() - removes the first element of array
  • .pop() - removes the last element of array
  • .push(Object) - adds an element to array
  • obj datatype
  • var x { 1: "A", 2: "B", 3: "C", }
    <button id="createUserButton">Create a New User</button>
    <button onclick="displayPersonsList()">Display All Users</button>
    <button onclick="clearUserData()">Clear User Data</button>
    <ul id="personsList"></ul>
        // Function to prompt the user for input and create a new person object
        function createPersonObject() {
            var name = prompt("Enter a name:");
            var id_num = prompt("Enter an ID number:");
            var age = prompt("Enter an age:");
            var newPerson = {
                name: name || null,
                age: age ? parseInt(age) : null,
                id_num: id_num || null,
                classes: {},
                interests: [],
                favorite_songs: [],
                num_games: null,
                num_wins: null,
            return newPerson;
        // Check if local storage contains the array, if not, create an empty array
        var personsArray = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('persons')) || [];
        // Function to add a new person to the array and update local storage
        function addPersonToArray(person) {
            localStorage.setItem('persons', JSON.stringify(personsArray));
        // Function to display all current objects in a list
        function displayPersonsList() {
            var list = document.getElementById('personsList');
            list.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the existing list
            for (var i = 0; i < personsArray.length; i++) {
                var listItem = document.createElement('li');
                listItem.textContent = JSON.stringify(personsArray[i]);
        // Function to clear user data
        function clearUserData() {
            personsArray = [];
            displayPersonsList(); // Clear the displayed list
        // Add a click event listener to the "Create a New User" button
        document.getElementById('createUserButton').addEventListener('click', function () {
            var newUserPerson = createPersonObject();
        var person_one = {
            name: "Yeongsu Kim",
            age: 15,
            classes: {1: "Honors Humanities", 2: "AP Chemistry", 3: "AP Calculus AB", 4: "AP World History", 5: "AP Computer Science Principles"},
            interests: ["Music", "Video Games", "Candy", "Basketball"],
            favorite_songs: ["Brahms Violin Concerto", "Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto", "Tchaikovsky Symphony no.5"],
            id_num: "1951443",
            num_games: 5,
            num_wins: 2,
        person_one["birthday"] = "July 23, 2008";
        person_one.interests.push("Computer Programming");
        person_one.favorite_songs.push("Organ Symphony");
        if (person_one.num_games == 0 || person_one.num_wins == 0) {
            console.log("Win Percentage: 0%");
        } else {
            console.log("Win Percentage: " + ((person_one.num_wins / person_one.num_games) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%");
        console.log(typeof person_one);
        console.log(typeof person_one.name);
        console.log(typeof person_one.age);
        console.log(typeof person_one.interests);